
More of London

Here are a few more photos from the London photos that I wanted to share. Here again is, of course, the ever photogenic Parliament.

At sunset...

... and forty minutes later.

Crown Imperials in Hyde Park

This is Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, a very long operating pub/restaurant that several fairly famous figures in history used to frequent and which was rebuilt after the Great London Fire of 1666. I couldn't resist and actually did eat lunch here.

This room was in the outer perimeter wall of the Tower of London.

I saw these vines during one of my meandering walks through one of the neighborhoods near our hotel. I thought they were pretty neat.

That's it for this round. More to come some other time.


savinoboy said...

Fantastic! The color in these are amazing. (let alone the composition) I can't imagine these in B&W. Really a pleasure to have you share these with us!


thisisme said...

2 of these photos jumped out and smacked me in the face (in the nicest possible way)
- parliament with the swirly clouds and the colour changed because of the position of the sun

- the light in the tower of london - the details from the window showing in the light patch on the floor. The light & shadows also made it look like there was someone there - I had to look about three times.

When I looked at the vines again though, I was struck by their resemblance to a snake.

velvet said...


Wow, I'm glad you like them!

As you know, I'm a real fan of b&w, but there are times when only color can do justice to an image. I was really glad to have color in my camera at the time.

While it's taken me a while to get more comfortable with the ethereal nature of digital media and all the extra work that digital photography requires, the fact that I can have a photo in both color and b&w with nothing more than a few mouse clicks is a real bonus. :)


velvet said...


Of all the times that I've been around Parliament over the years, it has never looked like that at any other time. The light and clouds were exquisite. And then they cleared to a deep blue twilight sky. It was amazing.

The Tower of London--- who's to say that there isn't someone there (hee hee hee). It is the dreaded Tower of London after all. ;)

You're right, the vines do resemble a snake. Good thing I like snakes or it might creep me out from now on.


Dan said...

Oh my God!

Need I say more?

velvet said...


That's a good thing, right? ;)


Gucci Muse said...

OH VELVET-you took me back to where I spent such good times- LONDON-

The Tower photo is gorgeous-I never did make it there but your picture now fills a gap in my recollection of my time in that city.

The fence, reminds me of South Kensingto where I lived-and how I enjoyed going to Hyde Park as well.

I will be back to look again!

Bernie said...

Nice shots, Velvet!! I especially like the Tower of London room and the sunset pictures.

velvet said...


I took the vine photo in a South Kensington neighborhood... maybe it even was yours. :)

My love affair with London has spanned a long, long time. I'm glad that you liked the photos.


velvet said...


Wow, thank you!

Every once in a while, a girl gets lucky... those were two times. ;)


david santos said...

This work is very, very nice. Thank you
Have a good week

velvet said...


Hello! I'm glad that you enjoyed my photos.

I stopped by your blog, but alas, was sad that I was unable to read much of it. I enjoyed the one poem in English that I could read.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope that you also have a good week!


Me said...

Another set of beautiful shots. You really have a talent. Keep up the good work!

velvet said...


That's kind of you to say. :)

I consider my love of photography to be a life long thing.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I started to tell you what I love about each one, but there's too much to say. The sunset over Parliament is gorgeous, and I really admire your eye for a shot that really conveys the essence of a place.

velvet said...


Thank you as always for the kind words! That evening at Parliament was like I'd never seen it. The color of the sky was really stunning.

I'm glad that you enjoyed the photos. :)

LZ Blogger said...

I just looked over some of your shots here and wanted to tell you that you NOT ONLY have the eye of a photographer, but also one of an ARTIST! I especially love the shot of London at Sunset. Awesome! TRULY! ~ jb///

velvet said...


That's so nice of you to say! I just love taking pictures.

This particular picture really was just an instance of being in the right place at the right time.

Thanks for stopping by!