
Just... Grass

Just a light post and a light photo. This one's a little over 3 years old. I forgot about taking this picture until the film came back (there's that "film" stuff again). When I got the prints back, I was interested to see how the texture translated in B&W.


thisisme said...

I'm really enjoying your photo blog - I don't remember if I told you that or not.

I love the way this comes up in black and white - the texture, the movement and the shadow.

I might just have to hunt out some of my old shots and see what I have.

velvet said...


It's commentors like you who make me glad I started this up. It's always wonderful to have you stop by. :)

I think that this photo really wouldn't work very well in color, but I already know that we share an affinity for B&W.

As for your own photos, please, consider it! I loved seeing the garden shots that you took so long ago (love your garden, too, because I love gardening... what a beautiful space!). It would be great to see them! :)


savinoboy said...

Wow! What a fantastic photo! Where is this? It makes me want to lay down on that grass and take a nap in the sun! MMMMM.

velvet said...


It's at the Mohonk Preserve in the Catskill Mountains in New York State. That grass does look pretty comfy. I know what you mean about the nap.


tkkerouac said...

that is so simple and cool!

Anonymous said...

it reminds me of summer. :)

if you dont mind me askig, what kidn of camaera do you use?

velvet said...


Thanks! I have to agree with Chris that it just makes me want to lie down in it and snooze... though in the shade, of course. Y'know, sun damage. ;)


velvet said...


I actually took that in late summer... I love summer, so maybe that's why I like this photo so much.

As for the cameras, this was shot with a Nikon N90s film camera. I also shoot with an old Olympus 35mm film camera that was my dad's, which is a nice break from all the computerized cameras. I also sometimes shoot with a Mamiya medium format film camera, but haven't posted any of those shots yet.

For digital, I have a Nikon D70s.

Glad you liked the photo and summer's coming soon. Yay! :)


Helen said...

Aaah, I miss summer...
What a great photo.

velvet said...


Oh, me, too! But it's on its way, it's on its way. :)

Thanks, btw.


heartinsanfrancisco said...

Beautiful! And touchable.

velvet said...


I just want to lie down in that grass right about now. :)