
London in Black & White

Again, here are some shots I took in London, only this time in b&w.

Again, Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. I like this one better than the one in the previous post.

Iron fence with gilded finials... I don't remember where this was.

Horse fountain at Picadilly Circus

Same fountain at Picadilly

Juggler at Covent Garden

Ruins of a Christopher Wren church

This photo is generally unremarkable, but I thought it was funny when a Mallard Duck came swimming into the frame. I don't remember ever seeing a duck in a fountain anywhere else. Ever.

So, there we are for a while. There are more London photos, but it'll be good to take a break for a while and do something else. Another location, perhaps, say France or China? We'll have to see.


thisisme said...

I love the texture on the walls of the Christopher Wren church. I'm sure that it wouldn't look anywhere near as good in colour - it would probably be mould or someting :)

velvet said...


Well, it is a Christopher Wren church, so it's centuries old. Mould would be a safe bet, eh?

Actually, it was a weird little thing that I stumbled on one day. They had turned the ruins of this church in the middle of London into a park. What a pleasant oddity.


tkkerouac said...

All very beautiful shots, thanks for taking me there.

velvet said...


Thanks for coming along for the ride. :)

Tammie Jean said...

I love the mood created by black and white - great photos! Thanks for sharing :)

velvet said...

tammie jean-

I love b&w for so many reasons. You're right... they certainly have a different mood than color.

As always, thanks for stopping by. :)

guinevere said...

The pic of the juggler is fantastic!

velvet said...


Thank you! I like that picture. :)

Thanks for stopping by.

Dan said...

Velvet Girl, these are amazing. I mean, really, I feel like just putting away my camera. Either that or I feel like taking it out! Yeah! That's it! You've inspired me! :)

(London is my favorite city in the solar system.)

velvet said...


Take it out! Take it out!( Your camera, that is.) But, yes, get shooting and have fun!

I'm with you about London. I love love love that city.

Jocelyn said...

The duck photo is my favorite--just so whimsical.

Thank you for these, you know.

velvet said...


I just don't normally put ducks and fountains together in my mind. It's such a disconnect that I had to post it.

As always, I'm glad to have you drop by. :)

Me said...

Wow, such magnificant photographs!

velvet said...


Why, thank you! And thanks for coming to take a look at them.

Me said...

Love the horse statues.

Me said...

Holy crap, I've been here before.

How embarrassment!

I should be ashamed. I'm so sorry.

I'm gonna go ahead and guess I was stoned out of my mind at the time and forgot all about it (I smokes weed no more).

Its on my blogroll now, so its not going anywhere!

Sorry for being so silly :|

velvet said...


That's A-OK. Don't you fret yourself about it. ;)

Thanks for the compliment, btw. :)