
Boy Meets Manhattan

There's nothing like the view of the street from the 24th floor to get a kid's attention. I took this on my son's first trip to Manhattan to meet some of my husband's family. This was near Lincoln Center.


thisisme said...

Oooh first :)

I love the composition of this shot; the city is all around, but the focus is still on your son's face, and his reaction to everything he sees.

No comment verification - brave lady!!

velvet said...


I have a soft spot in my heart for this photo of my son. He was about ten months old. Time has just flown since then.

No comment verification? Oops! I didn't know it wasn't on because the blog author is exempt when signed in. I suppose that I should go and turn it on, eh? Thanks for bringing it to my attention.:)


heartinsanfrancisco said...

LOVE this!! Wow.

velvet said...


Thank you! I've always been very fond of this shot. :)
