
Other Prospective Profile Photos

These two self-portraits were both contenders for my profile photo, but I decided to go with another one. Still, I like these two and wanted to post them anyway. I was going to post them both at one time or another (I already posted one on my Misfit blog)... might as well get it over with now.
Any thoughts?


Bernie said...

The photos and the subject are beautiful. I assume the first photo on this blog is you too. I love the style, and am mildly jealous because I've never been successful at that style myself. I do better with landscapes. One day I'll post some of mine.

Great site, Velvet!!

velvet said...


Thank you for the compliments. :)

Actually, I'm mildly jealous because my luck with photography doesn't really extend to landscapes or still life photography! I would love to see your photography... start a third blog, perhaps? ;)


Steven said...

I like the first one myself.

I am jealous of your phtography skills...

Very jealous. ;)


velvet said...


I like the first one, too.

And I'm jealous of your illustration and graphics skills... very jealous. ;)


heartinsanfrancisco said...

Beautiful and powerful images, both, but the first is more unusual.

You could win a contest with either of them. Your work is exciting and you have a great eye.

velvet said...


Thanks for the kind words about my photos.

I like the first one, too... it was very close to being my profile photo, but I was having uploading troubles and the one that I use was the only one that I could get through.

I suppose that I could change it now, but I'm so used to the other one. :)
