

Just one of many images that I took in London over the years. I've got some selecting and scanning to do, but want to post some photos of the city that's close to my heart. Coming soon... some of my snapshots of London.
Have a nice weekend!


Pasta: Black & White or Color?

Okay, I shoot a lot of black and white and when I shoot digital, I end up turning a lot of the photos into black and white in the end. However, these were actually shot on film (remember that stuff?) and haven't been changed at all. So, same event, different film types.

etiquette drop-out

In general, I'm all for black and white. However, for these photos I've yet to make up my mind. Which (if either) do you find more effective? I'm torn.

don't. touch. mommy's. camera.

So, what do you think? Color? Black & white? Just makes you wanna go wash up?


Other Prospective Profile Photos

These two self-portraits were both contenders for my profile photo, but I decided to go with another one. Still, I like these two and wanted to post them anyway. I was going to post them both at one time or another (I already posted one on my Misfit blog)... might as well get it over with now.
Any thoughts?


Boy Meets Manhattan

There's nothing like the view of the street from the 24th floor to get a kid's attention. I took this on my son's first trip to Manhattan to meet some of my husband's family. This was near Lincoln Center.


Welcome to My Photo Blog

This blog is just a place for some of the photos that I've taken in my life, from snapshots to studio photos. I claim no particular talent at photography, but it does something for me that little else does... let's just call it shutter therapy.

Just a little background on photography in my life. My father gave me a 35mm camera when I was a young teen and it was love at first shot. Since then, I've started collecting more photo equipment of different kinds and have been teaching myself some technique, though I've got a long way to go to get where I want to be regarding photography. It's still all trial and error.

Hopefully there will be something here that interests you. To me, it's photo play.

Again, welcome.